Thursday, January 20, 2011

Woolly Mammoth May Be Resurrected by Scientists - ABC News

Woolly Mammoth May Be Resurrected by Scientists - ABC News

Fascinating if they can do it...but the Wooly would be kind of alone, and lonely. Hope they can do a few more.

I don't think it would feel too good to be a sole homo sapien amongst a race of homonid cousins.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH... Another species to exploit! How grand our arrogance... First we destroy countless species, inflicting extinction ruthlessly and with no regard for the inherent value of all life. NOW we want to recreate prehistoric life, dragging it into a world its ill-prepared to survive. WHY? The self-aggrandizement of the scientific community? Morbid curiosity? Hmmmm... perhaps you have some deceased relatives you'd like to rebuild??
