Carl Sagan's quote says it best. "We are stardust." The elements that make us up were formed in a red giant star, billions of years ago. After our time is done, those elements remain, in one form or another to rejoin the universe. Our star stuff remains.
Philosophers have rightly pointed out that life is a duality. At its most basic there is life and death, the greatest duality. Each gives the other meaning, but in our day to day lives death is ignored.
Death will come to us all. It is inevitable, it is a part of life. It can be happy, sad, a release or tragic. But at it's most basic,it simply is.
My life has been a good one. I've been happy,sad,fearful,brave, stupid,smart,loving and hateful.
I've been unlucky, lucky, loved, feared,hated, joyful and blissful.
As everyone does, I've experienced all of what life has to offer. I can't complain.
I've had friends,good friends. I've worked with good people. I've made a good life. Lucie and I have made a great family.
Lucie,Hannah and Russell each have been a wish granted. My family is everything.
As my time,perhaps, comes to a close,I feel ready for what awaits me. Disease has helped me try to put all of this into perspective. Death gives meaning to life,and life is finite. Star dust is eternal.
Time will tell.